Magandang araw sa inyong lahat(as you can see I'm getting very fluent with Tagalog!!, not really I have my own pocket size interpeter with legs Thanks Mela.) It was so good to get so many comments thank you it blesses us. On Tuesday we left the vibrant city and travelled to higher ground where the air was so much fresher and cooler. Firstly we went to the apartments in Alfonso where 18 boys at present live. We visited the school where they attended and were touched by how far these boys had come from being street children to a far more stable home environment and attending school Praise God. The Kanlungan mission is for each child to reach his or her full potential with Gods love. We went on then to the Farm Project where they are growing and harvesting coffee and other produce. One of Sol's vision was to have this also as a place for retreat for pray and meditation. It is a truly peaceful place with a clear stream running through it surrounded by trees and wild flowers. We drank fresh coconut water(buko) that had just been picked from the tree.
Yesterday was a different day as we were shown around different Manila agencies who were dealing with the reality of child abuse and neglect. We went to the courts and were priviledged to have a long indepth meeting with the family court judge. We were aware of how hard people are working to change the situation.
We have experienced so much in the last 10 days but most of all we have felt Gods presence and love. Psalm121
lots and lots of love Mary and Melaxxxx
ps we are praying for you all at St. John's and of course the Beaconxx
Wednesday, February 27, 2008
Monday, February 25, 2008
M&M's stew and dumplings!!!!!
Monday 25th Feb. 2008
Hi everyone, it was really good to speak to you all live in St. John's yesterday. I hope you heard your birthday song Mark!! Today we went to Smokey Mountain (a massive rubbish dump where people live). It was really sad to see these poor people especially the children sorting through the stinking rubbish to try and earn a meagre living. Its hard to put into words this kind of deprivation On returning to the Kanlungan Centre we were aware of how blessed the children are surrounded by so much love and care there. We decided to cook for the staff and children this afternoon, they wanted something English so we settled for on beef stew and dumplings ( except the dumplings were a disaster !!we thought of ringing Konrad!!! the dumpling king) Followed by crepes and nutella with fruit salad. Everyone enjoyed and they want us to cook tomorrow!!Thanks for all your lovely comments its really exciting for us when we check the blog. We can't believe a week has gone already its going too quickly. How is everyone at the Beacon? We are missing you and praying for you all. We have been inspired by the Kanlungan Centre and have some ideas of how to bless the lads more!! Lots of love Mary and Mela xxx
ps great to hear from you Pete and Jo xxx
pps try to relax a bit Asha and Rob good to hear from you. How's Shaloo and Perry?xx
ppps We miss you too Jodi hope you are keeping the lads in order !!xx
Hi everyone, it was really good to speak to you all live in St. John's yesterday. I hope you heard your birthday song Mark!! Today we went to Smokey Mountain (a massive rubbish dump where people live). It was really sad to see these poor people especially the children sorting through the stinking rubbish to try and earn a meagre living. Its hard to put into words this kind of deprivation On returning to the Kanlungan Centre we were aware of how blessed the children are surrounded by so much love and care there. We decided to cook for the staff and children this afternoon, they wanted something English so we settled for on beef stew and dumplings ( except the dumplings were a disaster !!we thought of ringing Konrad!!! the dumpling king) Followed by crepes and nutella with fruit salad. Everyone enjoyed and they want us to cook tomorrow!!Thanks for all your lovely comments its really exciting for us when we check the blog. We can't believe a week has gone already its going too quickly. How is everyone at the Beacon? We are missing you and praying for you all. We have been inspired by the Kanlungan Centre and have some ideas of how to bless the lads more!! Lots of love Mary and Mela xxx
ps great to hear from you Pete and Jo xxx
pps try to relax a bit Asha and Rob good to hear from you. How's Shaloo and Perry?xx
ppps We miss you too Jodi hope you are keeping the lads in order !!xx
Friday, February 22, 2008
M&M's latest escapades!!
Friday 22nd Feb. 2008
Hello everyone, We have done and seen so much its hard to know where to start. Yesterday we went to Tunasan to the day centre, then we visited some families living along the railway, and had the priviledge of praying with some of the parents. Then we took 55 children to the park for a picnic and it rained(which made us feel at home). We visited the mens prison in Muntinlupa which resembles Butlins holiday camp!! Today Sol took us to prayer mountain outside Manila. It was such a contrast to the city , everywhere lush and green, we all felt Gods touch in this place and it was the right place for us to be there. We all prayed separately in our prayer rooms but all came out with Psalm 121 (thanks Rog also for texting that Psalm also). Yes Mark we have sung Our God is a Great Big God several times!! We have prayed for the St. Johns family today thanks for all the comments it really blesses us . Lots of Love Mary and MelaXX
p.s. to Vee we haven't had any mishaps yet(maybe a few near misses!!)
p.p.s Happy Birthday Jacob for 24th I will be thinking of you love Aunty Mary
Hello everyone, We have done and seen so much its hard to know where to start. Yesterday we went to Tunasan to the day centre, then we visited some families living along the railway, and had the priviledge of praying with some of the parents. Then we took 55 children to the park for a picnic and it rained(which made us feel at home). We visited the mens prison in Muntinlupa which resembles Butlins holiday camp!! Today Sol took us to prayer mountain outside Manila. It was such a contrast to the city , everywhere lush and green, we all felt Gods touch in this place and it was the right place for us to be there. We all prayed separately in our prayer rooms but all came out with Psalm 121 (thanks Rog also for texting that Psalm also). Yes Mark we have sung Our God is a Great Big God several times!! We have prayed for the St. Johns family today thanks for all the comments it really blesses us . Lots of Love Mary and MelaXX
p.s. to Vee we haven't had any mishaps yet(maybe a few near misses!!)
p.p.s Happy Birthday Jacob for 24th I will be thinking of you love Aunty Mary
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
M&M's progress report
20th Feb 2008
Hi everyone thanks for all the comments it was good to hear from you all. We are fine and settling in now. Yesterday we went with Wilmar to visit the street families. we sang and danced and told bible stories. Mela translated while I tried to tell the lost sheep parable with actions!!. It was very humbling when they all listened and joined in with the singing. We are loving just being around the children at Kanlungan they bless us with their prayers and faith in God.
Thanks Ian for your tip of Milkfish, sorry we did not get to meet before we left.
Hope everyone is coping at the Beacon without us!! We are praying for you all. Only we are not sure if we are coming back if thats OK with you Mark!!!!!!only joking but thankyou everyone for your prayers
God bless Mary & Melaxx
ps good news about the puppy Jessxx
pps love to Shaloo&Perry, Ahsa&Rob, Vee&Helen and lots &lots of kisses to Harryxx
Hi everyone thanks for all the comments it was good to hear from you all. We are fine and settling in now. Yesterday we went with Wilmar to visit the street families. we sang and danced and told bible stories. Mela translated while I tried to tell the lost sheep parable with actions!!. It was very humbling when they all listened and joined in with the singing. We are loving just being around the children at Kanlungan they bless us with their prayers and faith in God.
Thanks Ian for your tip of Milkfish, sorry we did not get to meet before we left.
Hope everyone is coping at the Beacon without us!! We are praying for you all. Only we are not sure if we are coming back if thats OK with you Mark!!!!!!only joking but thankyou everyone for your prayers
God bless Mary & Melaxx
ps good news about the puppy Jessxx
pps love to Shaloo&Perry, Ahsa&Rob, Vee&Helen and lots &lots of kisses to Harryxx
Sunday, February 17, 2008
We have landed!!
18th FEB 2008
Hi everyone, we arrived safely yesterday, WOW its a long way! The city was vibrant even at midnight. We have been to the Kanlungan Centre today to meet the children and we were overwhelmed by the love of GOD in that place. HE comes first. The children sang and danced for us and were so welcoming, they even got us up to dance with them. One of the children asked me why I was PINK!!!. I didn't know how to answer that one. Speak to you soon
God Bless Mary and Mela
Hi everyone, we arrived safely yesterday, WOW its a long way! The city was vibrant even at midnight. We have been to the Kanlungan Centre today to meet the children and we were overwhelmed by the love of GOD in that place. HE comes first. The children sang and danced for us and were so welcoming, they even got us up to dance with them. One of the children asked me why I was PINK!!!. I didn't know how to answer that one. Speak to you soon
God Bless Mary and Mela
Saturday, February 16, 2008
We are off!!
Saturday 16th Feb. 2008
Hi everyone, This is just a practice blog before we go, We have finally packed too much !! and am really excited now. Thank you once again for all your prayers and support, it blesses us more than we can say. We will try to up date regularly, speak to you soon
Love Mary and Mela xx
Friday, February 15, 2008
Mary & Mary's Manila Mission
Really excited because there is a new visit going to Kanlungan! 
Mary and Mela, who go to St John's Church in Mansfield (that's the Church Mark Adams is the Vicar of!!) are off to visit Kanlungan tomorrow! Mary and Mela are both volunteers at the Beacon Centre - St John's Ministry to the homeless and addicted - so we're excited about extablishing links between this project and Kanlungan. (This picture shows them both in the Beacon Kitchen).
They are leaving from Birmingham, at 8:30pm on Saturday and 16th and arrive in Manila on at 2:30pm UK time (10:30pm Manila) on Sunday.
They will be updating this blog during their visit, so please check back to see how they are getting on. Your comments will also be gratefully received!
PS - The posts below are from Mark Adams' last visit in April last year, they're here as an archive and they also give you some idea about what Kanlungan does!
Mary and Mela, who go to St John's Church in Mansfield (that's the Church Mark Adams is the Vicar of!!) are off to visit Kanlungan tomorrow! Mary and Mela are both volunteers at the Beacon Centre - St John's Ministry to the homeless and addicted - so we're excited about extablishing links between this project and Kanlungan. (This picture shows them both in the Beacon Kitchen).
They are leaving from Birmingham, at 8:30pm on Saturday and 16th and arrive in Manila on at 2:30pm UK time (10:30pm Manila) on Sunday.
They will be updating this blog during their visit, so please check back to see how they are getting on. Your comments will also be gratefully received!
PS - The posts below are from Mark Adams' last visit in April last year, they're here as an archive and they also give you some idea about what Kanlungan does!
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