Hi to all
It has been a touch of heaven today after an emotion ripping week, we spent the day at swimming pool set under a beautiful mountain. TheStreetlight trust books this for all the Kanglugan children and young people to come together with all their visits. These Children only come swimming at the pool once a year, so to see the joy on their faces swimming, laughing playing volleyball and basketball was just awesome. Lots of time to chat to the staff and children. At the end of the day everyone gathered for devotions. We worshipped together, the sense of the love of God was overwhelming. These children and young people know more than any of us the reality of God's life transforming power and it shines from them. Not a dry eye in any of us.
Lord forgive us for our lack of love, please change our hearts to love without measure.
On a lighter note i have reached the overdose limit on Filpino food I just can't face anymore rice, chillis or fish!Where's the roast beef and yorkshire Pud!
Mark H
Saturday, January 31, 2009
A happier note...a day full of love
I just want to start by saying thank you to all those who commented on my last entry. Its really lovely that you take time out of your lives to actually read what I wrote, let alone comment on it.
Today we had the joy of taking around 100 children swimming!! All the children from the Farm, the Boy's Home, Lagunna(?) and the Tunsaan drop in centre came. It was the most uplifting and refreshing experience, and after such an emotional week, it was just what we needed. When we arrived, the children were already there, having set off at 7:30 so they could enjoy every minute they had. The children love swimming and it was obvious. Their faces were lit up with smiles that lasted all day. But what was really amazing to see was how the children reacted to one another. You've got to remember that its quite rare for them to all meet up, yet it was like a massive family gathering.
What really touched me was the love they had for one another. The big boys from the Farm were looking after the little ones, helping them into the pool, teaching them to swim and playing games with them. The children had such trust and faith in these boys, boys originally who were as hard as nails, involved in activities you and me can only imagine. I spent the day as a train, carrying two little girls backwards and forwards in the pool. Its weird what endless patience you suddenly have. Then I spent it being chased round a basketball court. I found out later that these were the street children from the Tusaan centre, girls in similar situations to Jen Jen, Jessica and Joliann, only they live next to rail tracks instead of in the city centre.
Its hard to describe the love I feel for these children. Its almost like my heart has doubled in size while we have been here and it just continues to grow with every new child I come across. I have never experienced anything like it and I know its a love that God has put in my heart. Why? I don't know...we shall just have to wait and see. But what I love about this trip is everyone has connected to something. Mark H is determind to get back to the youth detention centre and work with the boys there, Liz has felt an amazing connection to the Lagunna children while Jen and Leta want to go back to the Malate Centre. God works in wonderful ways and he makes sure that there is always someone who wants to help. I never truely understood what it was to ask God to break your heart or to discover your passion until now.
Lou says hi and with that I say bye. Today I only ask for your prayers of thanks to God. He is awesome and the love He has for all of His children is overwhelming. Pray especially to thank Him for the staff at Kanlungan who I think love the children almost as much as He does.
Emily x
I just want to start by saying thank you to all those who commented on my last entry. Its really lovely that you take time out of your lives to actually read what I wrote, let alone comment on it.
Today we had the joy of taking around 100 children swimming!! All the children from the Farm, the Boy's Home, Lagunna(?) and the Tunsaan drop in centre came. It was the most uplifting and refreshing experience, and after such an emotional week, it was just what we needed. When we arrived, the children were already there, having set off at 7:30 so they could enjoy every minute they had. The children love swimming and it was obvious. Their faces were lit up with smiles that lasted all day. But what was really amazing to see was how the children reacted to one another. You've got to remember that its quite rare for them to all meet up, yet it was like a massive family gathering.
What really touched me was the love they had for one another. The big boys from the Farm were looking after the little ones, helping them into the pool, teaching them to swim and playing games with them. The children had such trust and faith in these boys, boys originally who were as hard as nails, involved in activities you and me can only imagine. I spent the day as a train, carrying two little girls backwards and forwards in the pool. Its weird what endless patience you suddenly have. Then I spent it being chased round a basketball court. I found out later that these were the street children from the Tusaan centre, girls in similar situations to Jen Jen, Jessica and Joliann, only they live next to rail tracks instead of in the city centre.
Its hard to describe the love I feel for these children. Its almost like my heart has doubled in size while we have been here and it just continues to grow with every new child I come across. I have never experienced anything like it and I know its a love that God has put in my heart. Why? I don't know...we shall just have to wait and see. But what I love about this trip is everyone has connected to something. Mark H is determind to get back to the youth detention centre and work with the boys there, Liz has felt an amazing connection to the Lagunna children while Jen and Leta want to go back to the Malate Centre. God works in wonderful ways and he makes sure that there is always someone who wants to help. I never truely understood what it was to ask God to break your heart or to discover your passion until now.
Lou says hi and with that I say bye. Today I only ask for your prayers of thanks to God. He is awesome and the love He has for all of His children is overwhelming. Pray especially to thank Him for the staff at Kanlungan who I think love the children almost as much as He does.
Emily x
Friday, January 30, 2009
Hey again.
I am not really sure what to write that hasn't already been mentioned before. So this just my view on how things are.
This is a little late in posting as I want to write about the street children, but I was one of the emotional ones and I wasn't quite ready to share my experiences. I've seen, as I am sure we all have, pictures of people sleeping in the streets. I'm sure we have all felt bad and wished they was something we could do for them but nothing can prepare you for the feelings you experience when these nameless people across the other side of the world introduce themselves.
I met 3 of the cutest little girls, Jen Jen, Jessica and Joliann. I saw their happiness when the camera came out and they all wanted their pictures taking. I saw their delight to get sweeties from the Sweety guys, Malcolm and Ian. I felt their fear when the 'rescue' team turned up. Jen Jen was screaming for Jessica who had gone missing, Joliann was shaking so badly in my arms. I haven't got the words to explain the fear these little girls felt. Me, Jen and Leta had formed a circle around them but we knew we were powerless to stop them taking the girls if they wanted to. I pray none of you have to experience such a feeling.
At first they didn't realise we were there. We watched as one of the members of the 'rescue' team cut down a woman's washing line and threw her clothes into the gutter as she tried to remove them. It was their final warning. Then they saw us and stopped. What amazed me was that they hadn't realised we were there before as we were stood within 8ft of the van. I believe God made them blind, so we could see a small example of what they do. Later the husband of the washing line woman kept thanking us for being there otherwise they would have taken all of their possessions. I was so glad that our presence did do something.
So yeah thats my account from the day. A bit late but nevertheless I needed to mention it.
Please pray for all these street families, in particular for Jen Jen, Jessica and Joliann.
Thank you,
Emily xx
I am not really sure what to write that hasn't already been mentioned before. So this just my view on how things are.

I met 3 of the cutest little girls, Jen Jen, Jessica and Joliann. I saw their happiness when the camera came out and they all wanted their pictures taking. I saw their delight to get sweeties from the Sweety guys, Malcolm and Ian. I felt their fear when the 'rescue' team turned up. Jen Jen was screaming for Jessica who had gone missing, Joliann was shaking so badly in my arms. I haven't got the words to explain the fear these little girls felt. Me, Jen and Leta had formed a circle around them but we knew we were powerless to stop them taking the girls if they wanted to. I pray none of you have to experience such a feeling.
At first they didn't realise we were there. We watched as one of the members of the 'rescue' team cut down a woman's washing line and threw her clothes into the gutter as she tried to remove them. It was their final warning. Then they saw us and stopped. What amazed me was that they hadn't realised we were there before as we were stood within 8ft of the van. I believe God made them blind, so we could see a small example of what they do. Later the husband of the washing line woman kept thanking us for being there otherwise they would have taken all of their possessions. I was so glad that our presence did do something.
So yeah thats my account from the day. A bit late but nevertheless I needed to mention it.
Please pray for all these street families, in particular for Jen Jen, Jessica and Joliann.
Thank you,
Emily xx

A tale of 2 days
Hi all
The jetlag finally caught up with me yesterday, I got i'll and slept for 15 hours. I am Feeling better now though. Yesterday as you have read was a shock as we got an insight into the Justice system that is straining to cope with the enormous size of the problems, and lack of resources. I can't forget the sight of 40 boys locked up in a room no bigger than my front room for most of the day awaiting trial, some are there for up to two years. Being a dad to two teenage sons i think this has impacted me the most so far. I again ask the question where is Jesus in all this? In the dentention centre entrance there was a statue of Jesus in a glass case! Was this a picture of what was happening? Maybe, God's will is without doubt being resited by a structure and system that is not reflecting his values, of love, compassion, and care however Good will not be overcome even inside such a horrible place the power of God's love breaks through as people step out to make just a small difference. The kanglugan team are hoping to go to prison to run activity sessions in the centre.
Today by contrast has been refreshing visiting the Boys long term home, and a farm, where ex street boys were being given skills and accessing various courses. Without all of this in place those boys would probably be with the ones we saw yesterday.
Please pray for us a family It our wedding anniversary today so it is especially lonely esp for Jane.
Mark H
The jetlag finally caught up with me yesterday, I got i'll and slept for 15 hours. I am Feeling better now though. Yesterday as you have read was a shock as we got an insight into the Justice system that is straining to cope with the enormous size of the problems, and lack of resources. I can't forget the sight of 40 boys locked up in a room no bigger than my front room for most of the day awaiting trial, some are there for up to two years. Being a dad to two teenage sons i think this has impacted me the most so far. I again ask the question where is Jesus in all this? In the dentention centre entrance there was a statue of Jesus in a glass case! Was this a picture of what was happening? Maybe, God's will is without doubt being resited by a structure and system that is not reflecting his values, of love, compassion, and care however Good will not be overcome even inside such a horrible place the power of God's love breaks through as people step out to make just a small difference. The kanglugan team are hoping to go to prison to run activity sessions in the centre.
Today by contrast has been refreshing visiting the Boys long term home, and a farm, where ex street boys were being given skills and accessing various courses. Without all of this in place those boys would probably be with the ones we saw yesterday.
Please pray for us a family It our wedding anniversary today so it is especially lonely esp for Jane.
Mark H
Thursday, January 29, 2009
Lou again
Hi all,
Found it hard to put the G in again a mo ago. also keep mixing up my f and d's as this keyboard has hardly any letters on so i apologise if there is some bad mistakes. Zac i can't wait to tell you all about it when we get back. Glad it's been fun at little fishes, i have missed you looking forward to a baby reuben cuddle, can't beleive i haven't had one yet. Heard the Big Whales curry night was good! I'm pretty sure everyone has wrote about today. so i will just thank you again for your support. Please pray for the Lads we met today, Gods got a plan for them, sol has a heart for them as we stood there in the middle of it all me, her and liz all welled up she said if only we has the resources. She really has genuine love for them, i'm beginning to understand why. It could have easily been any of us in these appalling situations. Thanks God that it isn't, but lets not forget those who are trapped in this beyond poverty, horrible mess. Love to you all.
Found it hard to put the G in again a mo ago. also keep mixing up my f and d's as this keyboard has hardly any letters on so i apologise if there is some bad mistakes. Zac i can't wait to tell you all about it when we get back. Glad it's been fun at little fishes, i have missed you looking forward to a baby reuben cuddle, can't beleive i haven't had one yet. Heard the Big Whales curry night was good! I'm pretty sure everyone has wrote about today. so i will just thank you again for your support. Please pray for the Lads we met today, Gods got a plan for them, sol has a heart for them as we stood there in the middle of it all me, her and liz all welled up she said if only we has the resources. She really has genuine love for them, i'm beginning to understand why. It could have easily been any of us in these appalling situations. Thanks God that it isn't, but lets not forget those who are trapped in this beyond poverty, horrible mess. Love to you all.
Rest Day ... mostly
You'll have seen from other posts what we've been up to today, so I won't repeat it here.
For me I had a haircut and a shave, all for 750 pesos (how many lotions did he put on me!!!) Very refreshing in all the heat!!!
Tomorrow we go to the farm, so that will be a full day so we probably won't be blogging till later
Thanks again
Mark A
For me I had a haircut and a shave, all for 750 pesos (how many lotions did he put on me!!!) Very refreshing in all the heat!!!
Tomorrow we go to the farm, so that will be a full day so we probably won't be blogging till later
Thanks again
Mark A
Liz Elks (Marks sister!)
What an aweesome day, truly heart rending to see what 'rescue' means in the Philippines. Children are taken here after they have rounded them up. They wash tham and feed them and lock them up only allowing them outside for a short time in case they run away. They have done no crime - they are poor and are trying to live in a city which is overwhelmed by poverty. They can be kept there for weeks their parents can only pick them up if they have their papers which many of them don't have. If they come from the provinces they are sent home only to reappear in Manilla because there is no work in the provinces thats why they came to manilla in the first place! Its so bizarrly tragic. One girl asked us to help find her mother which of course we can't do it's dreadful but this is what the mission out here is workng to try and prevent the need for this happening.
We also saw a youth detention centre where chldren waiting for their cases to be heard in court are kept. 204 boys in 5 rooms, locked up all day wth no hope and no rehabiliation programme. hard to take in even though I have seen it. Sometimes when they are bought to court they are given 1 month sentence but they have already served 2- 3 years in detention. With no hope of learning a trade or skill they are returned to the streets only to reoffend again. What a crazy corrupt system. Thank God for Sol and her team who are bringing the light of Jesus into this dark situation. It is only in His power that they can do what they do. Pray for openings and resources so that they can go into the detention centre and work there.
Off to the farm tomorrow at 8.00 in the morning so preparing for an early start! Can't wait!
We also saw a youth detention centre where chldren waiting for their cases to be heard in court are kept. 204 boys in 5 rooms, locked up all day wth no hope and no rehabiliation programme. hard to take in even though I have seen it. Sometimes when they are bought to court they are given 1 month sentence but they have already served 2- 3 years in detention. With no hope of learning a trade or skill they are returned to the streets only to reoffend again. What a crazy corrupt system. Thank God for Sol and her team who are bringing the light of Jesus into this dark situation. It is only in His power that they can do what they do. Pray for openings and resources so that they can go into the detention centre and work there.
Off to the farm tomorrow at 8.00 in the morning so preparing for an early start! Can't wait!
An afternoon off!
Its difficult to express the journey over the last few days. I feel I have seen the enemy and known the presence of God in the middle of a fearful atmosphere. I have just written a long blog and cant believe it has just disappeared! God's love is at the centre of Kanlungan. I feel I am witnessing what it means to follow Jesus through the power of prayer and obedience to Him. The whole family of workers and children know the transformation of their lives, because of how they live. Jesus is the vine and they are so certainly attached to Him.
Pray for health for the team please.
Pray for health for the team please.
from blog-shy Jen and Leta - both doing well!!
Hello for the first time! I call this 'The land of Smiles' Everyone smiles whether it is the children who live on the streets, the shopkeeper, the children in the home, the fsmilies who live on the rubbish, everyone has a smile! Wonderful!
I am known by the children in Kanlugan and Laguna centre as Lola Leta (I can hear the laughter now) Lola means grandmother......Great respect is paid to older persons here and everytime we go out, a young man from the Kaloogan Centre looks after me - helps me off the escalator in the stores, takes me across the busy roads, and helps me down from the bus. All very nice.
Well Inge, before we set off, you prayed that I would have a taste of heaven and I have had that.
On Tuesday, we were treated to the most wonderful worship time with the children at Laguna Centre. I have never witnessed worship like it in my life Children from 8yrs-15 years whose lives have been marred and scarred by every form of abuse imaginable standing there just lost in worship! It's wonderful to see God transforming lives through the love of the people who work there it is truly miraculous! I was too choked to sing! Then 3 children sat round with each member of the team and prayed for us. Even though they prayed in their own language you didn't need to know what they were saying - you just knew thet God heard their heart requests.
So humbling and so uplifting!! One just marvels at the miraculous here in the change which is taking place in the lives of the children in these homes - prayer and the love of Jesus is at the heart of everything, and it is love that wins through in the end.
Monday, Tuesday and this morning were tough times!
Seeing children and whole families living on a gigantic rubbish dump which spread over acres.
I never thought I would live to witness such deprivation and abject poverty - the enormity of it is overwhelming find it hard to see that on the one hand and the great oppulence on the other
the gap is truly enormous...
we have seen small children as young as 5/6 sleeping on bits of cardboard or inside plastic piping, people whose homes are cardboard to lie on and an umbrella to shelter under!
We were invited by a lady to come into her home which was one room made from wood and corrugated iron 6ft by 6ft in which a family of 7 lived, ate slept and cooked. We prayed with her before we left as she was afraid that soon her house was to be bulldozed and she didn't know where she was going to go!
This morning was quite difficult when we went to a children's rescue centre and a centre for children who had been taken off the streets for a short time, only to be returned to the streets a week later! Doesn't make sense. Visited a centre for young boys who had committed crimes - like something out of a Dickens novel, but much worse - 20/25 young men and boys in a cell with nothing to do. Even they had a smile and loved to shake us by the hand....
Last night was great. Some of the street boys came to a park and did some break-dancing - they were amazing-double somersaults, balancing acts and any amount of gymnastic acheivements - all performed on hard concrete! No such thing as crash mats or spring boards, they were absolutely brilliant. After they had finished, they went 'home' to sleep somewhere on the streets!
THis week has been such a mixture of emotions - great heartache, deep sadness, anger at the injustice of things, feelings of helplessness and somewhat bewildered! But
there have been feelings of joy and delight, excitement, peace and love and seeing God at work in the lives of so many children - that what might seem impossible in the world eyes has been made possible when God is brought into the equation! Alleluia! We continue to thank God for the work done in Hid name and my prayer is that Christians can be in places of authority and decision making that there is compassion in the way government works in Manila.
Thanks for all the prayers and support - it means so much God bless you all back home
from Lola Leta with love
I am known by the children in Kanlugan and Laguna centre as Lola Leta (I can hear the laughter now) Lola means grandmother......Great respect is paid to older persons here and everytime we go out, a young man from the Kaloogan Centre looks after me - helps me off the escalator in the stores, takes me across the busy roads, and helps me down from the bus. All very nice.
Well Inge, before we set off, you prayed that I would have a taste of heaven and I have had that.
On Tuesday, we were treated to the most wonderful worship time with the children at Laguna Centre. I have never witnessed worship like it in my life Children from 8yrs-15 years whose lives have been marred and scarred by every form of abuse imaginable standing there just lost in worship! It's wonderful to see God transforming lives through the love of the people who work there it is truly miraculous! I was too choked to sing! Then 3 children sat round with each member of the team and prayed for us. Even though they prayed in their own language you didn't need to know what they were saying - you just knew thet God heard their heart requests.
So humbling and so uplifting!! One just marvels at the miraculous here in the change which is taking place in the lives of the children in these homes - prayer and the love of Jesus is at the heart of everything, and it is love that wins through in the end.
Monday, Tuesday and this morning were tough times!
Seeing children and whole families living on a gigantic rubbish dump which spread over acres.
I never thought I would live to witness such deprivation and abject poverty - the enormity of it is overwhelming find it hard to see that on the one hand and the great oppulence on the other
the gap is truly enormous...
we have seen small children as young as 5/6 sleeping on bits of cardboard or inside plastic piping, people whose homes are cardboard to lie on and an umbrella to shelter under!
We were invited by a lady to come into her home which was one room made from wood and corrugated iron 6ft by 6ft in which a family of 7 lived, ate slept and cooked. We prayed with her before we left as she was afraid that soon her house was to be bulldozed and she didn't know where she was going to go!
This morning was quite difficult when we went to a children's rescue centre and a centre for children who had been taken off the streets for a short time, only to be returned to the streets a week later! Doesn't make sense. Visited a centre for young boys who had committed crimes - like something out of a Dickens novel, but much worse - 20/25 young men and boys in a cell with nothing to do. Even they had a smile and loved to shake us by the hand....
Last night was great. Some of the street boys came to a park and did some break-dancing - they were amazing-double somersaults, balancing acts and any amount of gymnastic acheivements - all performed on hard concrete! No such thing as crash mats or spring boards, they were absolutely brilliant. After they had finished, they went 'home' to sleep somewhere on the streets!
THis week has been such a mixture of emotions - great heartache, deep sadness, anger at the injustice of things, feelings of helplessness and somewhat bewildered! But
there have been feelings of joy and delight, excitement, peace and love and seeing God at work in the lives of so many children - that what might seem impossible in the world eyes has been made possible when God is brought into the equation! Alleluia! We continue to thank God for the work done in Hid name and my prayer is that Christians can be in places of authority and decision making that there is compassion in the way government works in Manila.
Thanks for all the prayers and support - it means so much God bless you all back home
from Lola Leta with love
Wednesday, January 28, 2009
Hi Folks ....
Just be clear, the blog from last night was from Mark Herd and not from me. Don't want to take credit where its not due!!!
Yesterday was indeed a difficult day in many ways, and although I knew about the 'rescue' operations it was still difficult and traumatic to see one at first hand. That was not something I had experienced before on any of my previous visits.
This is a different sort of visit for me - I knew what to expect in seeing all the poverty and the work of Kanlungan in seeking to address it. But this is the first time I have led a team out here without going through all the culture shock experiences myself. So its really a learning point for me in helping others with what they are seeing. That's why its great having Ian & Malcolm here, as well as Mary & Mela who have also been before.
This morning they have gone off to the Reception Centre to see the place where the children where taken yesterday, while I have stayed behind to get up to date with some church work, so check back later to see their reactions!
Thanks again for your support and prayers. It really does make a difference.
Where is Jesus in all this ?
Hi to all,
It has been a difficult day for everyone, we spent the afternoon with the street ministry team, meeting the street families. Later in the afternoon the Government welfare agency came round in a big van and started rounding up the street children to take them to a detention centre where the would be separated from their friends and families for a couple of weeks, the group we were with started to hide, they were very scared and rightly so, several guys jumped of the van with thick bamboo canes in hand, and threw the washing people had hung up in the sewer and cut the lines, and were being very intimidating. however on seeing us there they backed of a bit and left the children alone. This apparently happens 2 or 3 times a week. They call this "Rescue". Where is Jesus in all of this injustice, squalor and poverty? He is the hands and hearts of the kanlungan team, reaching out with love,help, friendship and hope, and the life changing Gospel day in day out.He was in among the people in the shanty town we visited the morning. As we visited inside one of the houses which had a picture of Jesus hung on the wall the Lord spoke to me and said I am here look and you will see, look closely, draw near and you will see, we can all share in that as we support, pray and give without measure
Finding Jesus in all
Prayer requests
please pray for my family at home It is hard for them to be without me.
Pray for some of the team who were particular upset by today.
It has been a difficult day for everyone, we spent the afternoon with the street ministry team, meeting the street families. Later in the afternoon the Government welfare agency came round in a big van and started rounding up the street children to take them to a detention centre where the would be separated from their friends and families for a couple of weeks, the group we were with started to hide, they were very scared and rightly so, several guys jumped of the van with thick bamboo canes in hand, and threw the washing people had hung up in the sewer and cut the lines, and were being very intimidating. however on seeing us there they backed of a bit and left the children alone. This apparently happens 2 or 3 times a week. They call this "Rescue". Where is Jesus in all of this injustice, squalor and poverty? He is the hands and hearts of the kanlungan team, reaching out with love,help, friendship and hope, and the life changing Gospel day in day out.He was in among the people in the shanty town we visited the morning. As we visited inside one of the houses which had a picture of Jesus hung on the wall the Lord spoke to me and said I am here look and you will see, look closely, draw near and you will see, we can all share in that as we support, pray and give without measure
Finding Jesus in all
Prayer requests
please pray for my family at home It is hard for them to be without me.
Pray for some of the team who were particular upset by today.
The world of Lou
Hi all, really really please keep praying for us all. I think we are all really missing so many people and the things we are seeing and hearing are starting to impact, we can't help talking about how we respond! Thanks for all your comments as well it is good to read them. We had another interesting day. We saw some guys tonight and boy could they dance. The team we are working with are amazing, the people love them and so do we. The great thing is in it all there is so much to laugh about. I guess nothing i can write on here can begin to tell you how amazing it is in so many ways. There are huge highs and lows. Everyone else i'm sure will write about the details. Everyday is different but both nice and bad happy and sad, today at one point it was horrible you could feel the fear in the air. It got to us all i think. Anyways thanks for your support. Hope all is good back home, missing you all.
Mela and Mary have returned!!!!!!!!!!
Hi everyone, well it really doesn't seem like a year since we were writing on this blog. In some ways it feels like we have never been away. Gods answered prayer and Mela is feeling much better . It was so good to see Sol and the Kanlungan family again ,especially the children. Things have changed in Malate and after getting evicted from their centre last year they now have a lovely house for the children. It was great to see the children so settled in there. God is Good. One of the highlights for us yesterday was seeing some of the girls that we got to know last year in Malate now settled in the long term residential home in Laguna (about an hour from the city)and going to school there. We visited the school and saw them in the classroom, they have come such a long way with alot of love from Kanlungan. They remembered us and even the stew minus dumplings we cooked for them!!!!
lots of love Mary and Mela
ps Hope Harry and Harley are being good
pps love to all at the Beacon we are praying for you all
lots of love Mary and Mela
ps Hope Harry and Harley are being good
pps love to all at the Beacon we are praying for you all
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
What Can I Say???
Just great to read some of my fellow bloggers comments here. I guess for me its just great to see the effect Kanlungan has had on me also being seen by the rest of the team.
Just also want to say thanks for all the families back home for letting us come out here. I think I am more aware than ever this time that without Helen, Michael & Zac's support I would not be able to do what I'm doing here. They are very much part of the team even if they are not here!!!!
You've seen from other blogs what we've been doing today. Tomorrow we go on the streets with the Street Education team. Check back for more news ...
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
Just also want to say thanks for all the families back home for letting us come out here. I think I am more aware than ever this time that without Helen, Michael & Zac's support I would not be able to do what I'm doing here. They are very much part of the team even if they are not here!!!!
You've seen from other blogs what we've been doing today. Tomorrow we go on the streets with the Street Education team. Check back for more news ...
Thanks for all your prayers and support.
The light breaking into the darkness
Hi to all
After a stop at the daycare project working with the railway community.We went to the the lagunna home today which is the place which children are settled after they have been off the streets in the kanlugan centre for 8 months or so. Which is about 1 Hours drive outside Manilla. We visited the school where the children go, Emily was mistaken for Britainy Spears on account of being blonde,([Adds a new slant to blonde jokes LOL :-)] the boys said she was beautiful but WENT very shy when we called her over to go into their class to the great humor of the rest of the grade 6 class.
At the home when the young people returned from school they did a presentation for us of singing and dancing which was just overwhelming to see how God's Power had changed their lives of brokeness, and abuse to wanting to acheive their true potential, living to Godly values and having love in their lives. TRUELY MIRACULOUS.
Before we left we joined with the children for evening devotion, I have never heard worship like it before. 30 Children and youngt people singing and praising their hearts out all of us were reduced to tears. The children then broke into groups of 5 and prayed for us!
Truely Humbled
Mark H
After a stop at the daycare project working with the railway community.We went to the the lagunna home today which is the place which children are settled after they have been off the streets in the kanlugan centre for 8 months or so. Which is about 1 Hours drive outside Manilla. We visited the school where the children go, Emily was mistaken for Britainy Spears on account of being blonde,([Adds a new slant to blonde jokes LOL :-)] the boys said she was beautiful but WENT very shy when we called her over to go into their class to the great humor of the rest of the grade 6 class.
At the home when the young people returned from school they did a presentation for us of singing and dancing which was just overwhelming to see how God's Power had changed their lives of brokeness, and abuse to wanting to acheive their true potential, living to Godly values and having love in their lives. TRUELY MIRACULOUS.
Before we left we joined with the children for evening devotion, I have never heard worship like it before. 30 Children and youngt people singing and praising their hearts out all of us were reduced to tears. The children then broke into groups of 5 and prayed for us!
Truely Humbled
Mark H
Monday, January 26, 2009
Liz Elks
What an amazing day - a real conflict of emotions from seeing Gods love in action with the children at Kalunga to the abject poverty of the people on Smoky Mountain. The smell was indescribable and I can't believe that this is all these children know and without the work of people like Sol they will never break out of this cycle of poverty and squalor.
On the other hand the mall of Asia is more opulent than anything we have at home - and yet is only 20 minutes way.
Other interesting experiences!! Vegetables which tasted of fish!! Beef stew which i THINK was beef! Meeting the wonderful children and seeing Lou being chatted up by a smoky mountain dweller!!
On the other hand the mall of Asia is more opulent than anything we have at home - and yet is only 20 minutes way.
Other interesting experiences!! Vegetables which tasted of fish!! Beef stew which i THINK was beef! Meeting the wonderful children and seeing Lou being chatted up by a smoky mountain dweller!!
Lou's first day
Hi everyone, we've had a fantastic couple of days! Today was very interesting to put it mildly, gives you heaps to think about that is for sure. I'm not even going to begin to go into Lou's thinking. We have met so many amazing people and i have had so much to laugh about, high lights were going to the new house and having such an amazing welcome, Mark A having to shake some ones snotty hand and Mark H's near explosion.
You know you have go
t nothing when you have to live on a rubbish dump to sift through tons of rubbish to recycle cans, paper plastic and metal... and you know you have everything when you can walk though the biggest shopping centre in asia and eat an amazing meal, buy donuts and even get a laptop for 200 pounds all withing 20 minutes of one another. That has been the extremes of the day . In the middle of all that Kanlungan childrens project does an amazing work bringing hope to the abandoned, the abused and the forgotton. To hear the children singing about Jesus in the centre was just overwhelming to see the power of God changing a childs life from hopelessness to a future. The Gospel in action.

Love to all
mark H
PS Don't eat philipino chili's they are extreme even for a spicey fiend like me.
Love to all
mark H
Arrival & First Day
Hi there!!!
Sorry that it has taken a while to get onto here. The Internet Cafe I used to use has closed down, so its been a bit tricky. Still have managed to find another one now so hopefully we'll get things going!!!
Flight was long but uneventful. Kuwait Airways looked after us well. We arrived 4:00 yesterdaye afternoon, met by Ate Sol and other friends from Kanlungan. It was great to see them all again. Got to the Shalom at about 6pm, showered and then out for a meal at TGI Fridays's!!!
Today has been busy - in our morning devotions we looked at the passage from Ephesians 6 - using the armour of God!!! Then onto the Drop-in Centre and Office, an introduction to Kanlungan to those who had not been before and an opportunity to see more friends for those who had.
Then it was on to the New House!!! And what a great place it is - so much lighter than the old centre. It really is a blessing from God. We enjoyed the Children's presentation and then did a small one of our own (well done Mark H for the puppet!!!). Lunch followed and then we left for Smokey Mountain. Difficult to know what to say at this point!!! I'll encourage some of the other team members to blog their thoughts later.
Back at the hotel now and getting ready for a trip to the Mall of Asia.
Please ket us have your comments - its great to hear from you.
Sorry that it has taken a while to get onto here. The Internet Cafe I used to use has closed down, so its been a bit tricky. Still have managed to find another one now so hopefully we'll get things going!!!
Flight was long but uneventful. Kuwait Airways looked after us well. We arrived 4:00 yesterdaye afternoon, met by Ate Sol and other friends from Kanlungan. It was great to see them all again. Got to the Shalom at about 6pm, showered and then out for a meal at TGI Fridays's!!!
Today has been busy - in our morning devotions we looked at the passage from Ephesians 6 - using the armour of God!!! Then onto the Drop-in Centre and Office, an introduction to Kanlungan to those who had not been before and an opportunity to see more friends for those who had.
Then it was on to the New House!!! And what a great place it is - so much lighter than the old centre. It really is a blessing from God. We enjoyed the Children's presentation and then did a small one of our own (well done Mark H for the puppet!!!). Lunch followed and then we left for Smokey Mountain. Difficult to know what to say at this point!!! I'll encourage some of the other team members to blog their thoughts later.
Back at the hotel now and getting ready for a trip to the Mall of Asia.
Please ket us have your comments - its great to hear from you.
Friday, January 23, 2009
ready to go!!!
Well it won't be long now and I am excited and really looking forward to seeing everyone again. Just finished a busy session at the Beacon and said my goodbye's, I will miss everyone but I know from last year once you get there the time just flies! Looking forward to going out with a great team and I am sure God is going to bless us plenty and hopefully we will be a blessing to the Kanlungan family
Thursday, January 22, 2009
2 days to go!!!
2 days to go ... and last minute preparations are well under why (except that I'm still on a course in Sheffield!!!)
Still, I know that once I leave here tomorrow (Friday) things are going to happen very fast!!!
We are planning to leave Mansfield at 3am on Saturday morning, then its a 4 hour check in at Heathrow and we take off at 10:30am
Our flight schedule is as follows (UK times in brackets):
Depart Heathrow 10:30
Arrive Kuwait 19:35 (16:35)
Flight KU0104
Depart Kuwait 23:55 (20:55)
Arrive Manila - Sunday 16:10 (8:10)
Flight KU0411
Manila is 8 hours ahead of UK time and you can track the flights on the Kuwait Airways website
Please pray for the team as we prepare to go, and check back because I have asked them to post their own thoughts about going.
For me - my current thought is that I want to get on with it!!! Really looking forward to seeing everyone there again. Really looking forward to coming together as a team from our different places. Really NOT looking forward to the flights!
Please do check back during the trip - I will try and update every day, including on Sunday night when we arrive. Also please do leave your comments. They really are an encouragement!!!
Many thanks for your support
Saturday, January 10, 2009
Streetlight Visit 2009
14 days to go and its almost time for the Streetlight Visit to Kanlungan for 2009.
Its a new team going out this time, with 7 people visiting for the first time and 4 of us on return visits.
We fly out on Saturday 24th January from Heathrow with Kuwait Airways. So, at the moment we're getting all those last minute things done - changing money, getting travel injections, insurance, getting the itinerary sorted out and all that stuff.
So, please keep an eye on this blog - we'll update it again before we leave with details of all the team members and details about our flights.
Plus ... we have some good news from Kanlungan, they have put down a deposit on a new house to replace the Malate Centre in the centre of the city, and they should be moved in by the time we arrive.
And finally ... we now have the ability to donate to Streetlight on-line, go to the giving page on the Streetlight Website and follow the link there.
So ... watch this space!
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