I am not really sure what to write that hasn't already been mentioned before. So this just my view on how things are.

I met 3 of the cutest little girls, Jen Jen, Jessica and Joliann. I saw their happiness when the camera came out and they all wanted their pictures taking. I saw their delight to get sweeties from the Sweety guys, Malcolm and Ian. I felt their fear when the 'rescue' team turned up. Jen Jen was screaming for Jessica who had gone missing, Joliann was shaking so badly in my arms. I haven't got the words to explain the fear these little girls felt. Me, Jen and Leta had formed a circle around them but we knew we were powerless to stop them taking the girls if they wanted to. I pray none of you have to experience such a feeling.
At first they didn't realise we were there. We watched as one of the members of the 'rescue' team cut down a woman's washing line and threw her clothes into the gutter as she tried to remove them. It was their final warning. Then they saw us and stopped. What amazed me was that they hadn't realised we were there before as we were stood within 8ft of the van. I believe God made them blind, so we could see a small example of what they do. Later the husband of the washing line woman kept thanking us for being there otherwise they would have taken all of their possessions. I was so glad that our presence did do something.
So yeah thats my account from the day. A bit late but nevertheless I needed to mention it.
Please pray for all these street families, in particular for Jen Jen, Jessica and Joliann.
Thank you,
Emily xx

Hi Emily,
Thanks so much for your reflections on the trip. It's a real eye opener that has captured the imagination of everyone who has read the blogs. We are all praying for you all. Lots of love Helen
Hi Emily,thankyou so much for your account of the day my heart was fluttering as i read it,God is so good.Praying for you all love Gail xx
hay Emi,
thankyou again for what you've been going through, i know its not easy,
it has been an insight into a world the west find it easy to forget about,
but through the turmoil and chaos God will prevail,
i am very pleased to know there are those who have the courage to hold fast in the face of the unjust,
my prayers are with you all, and the children you meet, and those crippled by sunburn...
i love you
Oli xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Like the others thanks so much for your view of what was happening - it makes it more real for us over here. Just be aware that God feels your anger, upset and tears over what you're seeing and He feels it evn more. We need to pray for these people who are committing the crimes against these children as they've lost sight of how precious all these people are.
Will be praying for you all, the children and families you meet and for those who are causing them so much pain and fear.
Love Chris.F.
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