Sunday, April 17, 2011

A note from Snook Debbie Deb Deb.

The plan for Sunday morning was to attend the service at the Expats church but unfortunately our dress style was sport casual and Church was semi formal. So Sol wisely then decided to take us to the Cathedral of Praise which was an interesting experience and not what we were expecting. More of which we can share when we return. We did get one or two new ideas for St. Mary’s and we were especially impressed with the security team looking welcoming armed with loaded rifles at the gate. Anyway, after seeing the offering being carried out in a Pirates of the Caribbean Dead Man’s Chest type box we understand why there is a slight contrast between the Cathedral of Praise and SMB.

Lunch with Sol and staff was at the Business Area and it was interesting to see a completely different lifestyle of Manila. After lunch, it was on to the Handicraft shop for some souvenirs, complete with Sol’s 60% discount and free gifts.

Lucky for us and you that they do overseas delivery!

Then it was back to Benitez Street to spend some time with the children and the young people, which was fun and very rewarding. Anna, Ashleigh and Deb made bracelets and beady men which the younger children really enjoyed. Simon, Chris and the boys had fun with a drum workshop with an added street dance performance, where Shrimpo gained some cool new moves

Meanwhile, Rachel and Bosco spent time with the young street preachers who are a great bunch of young people and very inspiring. Dr. Chris and Andrew (Dad) sorted out the medical mission for Tuesday and we ask you all for prayer to make the whole organisation of the afternoon to be successful.


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