Sunday, April 11, 2010

Hi everyone:-) ,well here we are on our last night in Manila, we have had such an amazing time and God has been so good, yesterday we took all the children from all the kanlungan projects swimming (175 of us in total) what a joy to see the children enjoying the water and having so much fun. For the last twelve days we have had our senses bombarded and experienced many emotions of which we would love to share with you when we return home.
Thank you so much for all your prayers we have felt them

much love Mary and Averil xx

psalm 121


Mark said...

Have a safe journey home - looking forward to hearing all about it!

Love to all - and tell everyone there we're looking forward to seeing them soon!


Anonymous said...

Lovely to hear your news. Enjoy the remainder of your time and safe journey home as Mark has said.

Kath and Andrew

Anonymous said...

hi all, this is richards youngest daughter. only one more day left until you come home! hasnt it gone so fast i cant beleive it. i hope your all well and have a brilliant time with the children. look after yourselfs and have a safe journey home!
loveyou all