Just be clear, the blog from last night was from Mark Herd and not from me. Don't want to take credit where its not due!!!
Yesterday was indeed a difficult day in many ways, and although I knew about the 'rescue' operations it was still difficult and traumatic to see one at first hand. That was not something I had experienced before on any of my previous visits.
This is a different sort of visit for me - I knew what to expect in seeing all the poverty and the work of Kanlungan in seeking to address it. But this is the first time I have led a team out here without going through all the culture shock experiences myself. So its really a learning point for me in helping others with what they are seeing. That's why its great having Ian & Malcolm here, as well as Mary & Mela who have also been before.
This morning they have gone off to the Reception Centre to see the place where the children where taken yesterday, while I have stayed behind to get up to date with some church work, so check back later to see their reactions!
Thanks again for your support and prayers. It really does make a difference.
Mark and team you are good and faithful servants of Christ! May God hold you all and all those you are reaching out to today.
The Duxburys.
Hi Mark and everyone - hope you had a good day today after yesturdays trauma. Bless you all as you show Gods love and bless those you meet. Miss you all, Rachel & Heidi.
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