Monday, February 2, 2009

Jen's Monday news

Well I go from one extreme to the other! What ever is happening it seems to be part of God's learning curve for us. Having felt last week that visiting the young boys about 200 and the girls, about 16, in the detention centre, was the worst experience, the hardest, I now find myself ready to go back tomorrow.
We were given the option to visit somewhere that we had been to for the second time. Overnight I moved from thinking I didn't ever want to experience such a thing face to face, to looking forward to going with Leta, Ian, Mark H and Mela. Leta and Mela and myself are drawn there to pray with the boys. Please pray tonight for us.

This afternoon we went back to the Malate centre to be with the children. It was Liz's birthday today(mark's sister). The party they had arranged was phenomenal! Such abundance of giving, it was overwhelming, wonderful fun, singing and dancing. No doubt you'll hear lots about it.

This will take a lot of digesting, but I can't rush it. Fred has told me that one of our two lovely dogs has had a stroke,s o I am concerned too about home. On Tuesday Fred is at a funeral of a very old friend from childhood and I wish I was with him, so please hold him up in your prayers too.
Love from Jen


Anonymous said...

Hi Jen.Good to hear from you on the blog.It is just amazing to read about all that you are experiencing "the hights and the lows"but I am sure all the time a sense of Gods presence,and knowing that He has you there for a purpourse.I pray that you will have peace about Fred going to his friends funeral and the dog.I am sure that The Lord will be with him.I have just phoned him but there was no answer will try again and we are praying for him.We pray that you Leta Mela and Mark will have an amazing day with the boys in the detention centre tomorrow.We missed you yesterday,as we met here with Esther.we had a good evening listening to her and praying for her.Have a great day tomorrow,will be praying.Love Inge and John.

Anonymous said...

Dear Jen

I know that you and Fred will be covered in prayer especially Fred at the funeral. It is awesome what God is doing in the lives of the children. Praise God for the wonderful hlpers who are showing the children such love and Christian care.
Am praying for you all.

Anonymous said...

Hi Jen it is so good to hear from you really miss you! Fred came round for a meal last night and it was good to talk. We prayed for you and Ben and are praying this afternoon for Fred at the funeral.Iam praying for you all as you visit the boys and am reminded of what we believe God has said to us about singing and the work of the holy spirit. So any chance you get sing!! Paul and Silas did that once remember....Lots of love to you all Ruth

Anonymous said...

I'm so sorry Jen that things aren't so great at home. My immediate reaction would be to feel guilty for not being at home so if you are feeling like that don't because you are where God wants you to be. I'll be praying for Fred but I'll be praying for you as well.
It's so encouraging to hear about the way your feelings on the prison have been transformed. You have been given such compassion by God and that has always been visible but I bet even more at the moment.
Loads of love and prayers
Rachel Frith xxx