Well its the last day, my bags are packed and the shopping is done after two hours of torture wandering around, up and down the shopping mall..urrhh.
We went for our farewell presentation at the Malate Children's home, the generosity of the people is overwhelming we all were given gifts, I certainly felt an unworthy recipient. The Power of Gods transforming love here is indescribable, as we worshipped together being hugged by Children who have been saved from the most horrendous situations imaginable, your heart is poured out, broken and sliced out in gracious thanks to the Lord for his love and Grace. I,m sure all of have left a piece of our hearts here with these children maybe to pick it up again in the future or a reminder to care, love and pray for them. I want to end my blogging with a poem which is found in all the Kanlugan centres.
My Child I've often heard your question: This is my answer.
Your concerned about the the hungry in the world, millions who are starving and you ask what can I do?
You grieve for all the unborn children murdered every day... and you ask what can I do?
Your haunted by the homeless poor who wander city streets.. and you ask what can I do?
You feel compassion for those who suffer, pain sorrow and despair and you ask what can I do?
Your heart goes out to the lonely, the abused and the imprisoned...and you ask what can I do?
Remember this my child...two thousand years ago the world was filled with those in need, just as it is today, and and when the helpless and the hopeless called out to me for mercy, I sent a saviour..
I know this poem has helped many us to understand what is happening here. The Gospel is the hope for our world. I was chatting with Mark A After our visit to the Mall of Asia (A huge shopping centre) on the day we went to Smokey mountain(the w0rst place you can imagine ) and put in way that is so true "whether we are 20 minutes from poverty or across the Globe God calls us to do something, it is our responsibility.
See you all soon
Really looking forward to seeing family and friends
PS Emily Wilar has given you her teddy called Michael, he is my bag ready to sleep on the plane
Love to all
Mark H
The poem was wonderful- it tells us all what we could do to help the disadvantaged wherever they are.
Thanks to all the team for sharing your experiences- it has been very humbling to read what has been going on.
Our prayers are with you all as you get ready to come home.
May God be with you and those whom you leave behind .
Yes it will be so strange for you all,this mixture between Joy and sadness .What a lovely poem,and very descriptive picture,Mark.
Safe journey home,have a good sleep on the way,if possible, and welcome home to snowy Mansfield.Hopefully see you all on Sunday. Love and prayers. John and Inge.
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