Monday, January 31, 2011

Heidi writes ...

Well we have just got used to life in Benitez and we moving on again!!!! This week we have completed the healthy eating painting which looks ace if I do say so myself- me and Sarah make an amazing team! Also we have been at the ODC every afternoon working with children, singing and generally having a laugh with them. On Friday we experienced getting lost which was hilarious we didn't panic at all God is so good we had our phone and rung kid and he came to our rescue:) it was an experience lol
On Saturday it was party day!!! Me and Sarah split for the morning... I went to ODC to conduct the song we had taught the children for the January birthday party which was a lot of fun and Sarah stayed at Benitez for the formal birthday presentation of an important sponsor who celebrates with the children every year. We then went to the mall to escape children for the afternoon!!!
Sunday after church we went to a rich part of the city called makarti which is full of designer malls and foreigners so we fit in well- it was nice to have a break from feeling like all eyes are on us, that has been getting me down recently and is why I'm still not 100% comfortable getting around the city but we have lots of lovely concerned people looking after us:)
The coffee shop is great ,amazing food and coffee we are very loyal customers along with a growing number of new people, there's good profit being taken:) also I'm proud to say that mine and sarah's design is hanging outside the store as a massive sign!!! Woop :)

Tomorrow the odc and tunisan kids are involved in a music competition festival type event at the trinity university of Asia which should be lots of fun so please send a cheer for Kanlungan our way- it would be lovely to gain a trophey to add to the collection they have:) then it's off to laguna to work with the girls for two weeks:)
Please pray- that we will settle in again , that our confidence in being independent will grow and that our relationships with staff and young people will continue to develop.
For Ate sol as she has soooooooo much going on at the moment starting new businesses like the cafe and the second hand shop is complex!!! We are having issues with government documents in accepting a shipment of stuff for the shop- It's complicated so please pray that God will have his hand upon it and it will be sorted quickly- also for ksem's grand opening this Saturday- that the business permit will be through in time:)

Many thanks for the constant prayerful love and support. Heidi xxx


MarkH said...

Hi heidi

how cool to have your art work hanging outside a coffee shop in manilla! sounds like your having an amazing time, will keep praying for you guys keep blogging its so good to hear what your up to and give us plenty of thinsg to pray about, hope you seettle into the different pace at lagunna and God love wil fill and flow from you as you meet the staff and girls.
be blessed.
love to all

Unknown said...

hi Sarah and Heidi,

Your blogs are so good. I know lots of people are reading them although not many are leaving messages. I'll encourage more people to leave comments. I know it's real encourage to get messages.

Take care.

Lots of love


Rachel G said...

Hiya Heidi,
Fab to hear what you have been up to. Sounds very exciting & busy. You are both doing a brill job.I like the sound of the painting, cant wait to see pics & of the coffee shop sign too. Good to hear you practising your conducting too!! The amazing food in the coffee shop sounds good...tell us more!! Prayers for you both as you settle in Laguna & peace for your hearts as you leave the Malate centre children.
Love you sooooooooo much & miss u loads, Mumxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx!

Anonymous said...

im proud that you love Filipino food