Tuesday, February 3, 2009

Lou's back

Hi Everyone,
Hope you are all enjoying the snow. We have been telling everyone about it here. Some say "i wish it snowed" as most have never experienced snow. i'm still enjoying the sunshine :-) my skin is still recovering from the swimming pool sunburn. please pray for emily as she is flying back and starts her journey in about 3 hours. I have had an amazing day with malcom and emily, we went back to one of the places we previously visited. it was so so so so nice to have the day with the children. We went to visit a school but then just hung around the centre. It was so nice. The children were children, when i am with them it is so easy to forget they have nearly nothing and live in absoulute poverty. Thier little faces they are just so amazing and so are the people who work with them. I have to confess i had my first public cry today and i didn't think i was going to stop my eyes just kept leaking :-) ops it was after reading something malcom showed me i will have to show you all a copy at some point. It's all about the difference just one can make. Thats the biggest inner struggle here, There is just so much need. You all know me, i have no money to give...bless you all and thanks again for supporting me to come out here it's meant so much to me! So, unable to give much you are just left with this huge burden to do something but left with the question what is it I can do? Anyways after my blub we went and treated the children to some brownies which sounds silly but Kathy one of the workers says she sees the children walking past this store looking at the cakes. How many of us would just buy them but some of these children would long for a treat like that. I loved being able to give them something to enjoy it was great. Best of all was the games we played with them and the beading and braclets we sat and made. The rest of the team sounded like they had amazing days as well. Thank you all so much for your prayers. God has blessed us so much. They know how to celebrate birthdays out here! Never again will i sing the boring version of happy birthday. Love to you all, keep warm.


Anonymous said...

Miss you! It is so good to hear what you are doing it helps in some way to feel connected, and easier to pray.Sunshine sounds awesome the snow has stopped play this week big time in Mansfield.Love you loads Lou Ruth x

Anonymous said...

Hi Lou.I can just see you playing with the kids,buying them brownies making bracelets with them and playing games with them!!Just being you!!Laughing,singing crying! You have given them of your-self that is a gift they will never forget!! So looking forward to seeing you all again and hearing you tell us about it all.
It's the end of another day for you.I wonder what you all will be up to the next 3 days.We continue to pray for you and everyone.Love John and Inge.

Anonymous said...

Hi Lou, its so amazing to read of your day and so good to chat.What a shame youve missed the snow,take care lots of love Gail xx

Anonymous said...

Hi Lou, its so amazing to read of your day and so good to chat.What a shame youve missed the snow,take care lots of love Gail xx

Anonymous said...


You are giving your love and time which counts much more than money.
The children will always remember you playing with them.

God bless you all.